Fashion & Style

New York Fashion Week With A Twist

Another year at New York Fashion Week and another year of learning and growing. 

As you all know, I’m a huge fanatic for style, fashion and art. Fashion Week in New York for me isn’t just about attending shows but it’s a week where I truly feel I’ve reconnected to my soul and where I’m supposed to be.

Few of my favorite shows at New York Fashion Week

Upper Left: Willfredo Gerardo, Upper Right: Christopher Rogers

Lower Left: Korto Momolu, Lower Right: Christopher Rogers

I’ve been going to New York Fashion Week for three years now. This year was a little bit different. “Why?” you may ask. Well for those of you who are new on here; Welcome to my blog and happy to have you here.

Four months ago, I launched my online boutique and this year at Fashion Week I got to showcase a few items from my online store.

New York Fashion Week with a twist  Shop my skirt

Not only was I in New York as a blogger and enjoying the beautiful city but I was also there as a small business owner and promoting my brand.

New York Fashion Week with a twistShop my coat, leggings, and belt.

I teamed up with my friend and fellow blogger Lorena Mariana to help spread the word about the boutique. Plus, in my opinion New York Fashion Week is always more exciting with a friend. It was also her first time going to New York during Fashion Week. 

New York Fashion Week with a twistShop our dress

We stayed at the historic Hotel Pennsylvania, photographed each others photos, attend amazing fashion shows, work and met great people along the way. It was an amazing experience in the “Big Apple”.

At one point it felt a bit surreal that I had a business that everyone who I came across wanted to know about it and photograph some of the items. However, I also realized that there’s so much work that needs to be done in order to reach my ultimate goal and potential. 

New York Fashion Week

Overall, I left New York with a lot of motivation and inspiration from people in the industry on not only how to improve as a blogger but also as a small business owner and future designer.

Never give up, stay laser focus on your goal and always be creative.

Until next time beauties, stay FABULOUS! 💋



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About The Author

Thank you so much for visiting The Fabulous. I’m Faby, a forty something year old fashion and style enthusiast who believes we were all born to be a Fabulous 1.

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