Fashion & Style

Just For Kicks

Hi Friends,

Have you ever woke up in the morning and you’re simple not in the mood for heels and handbags? Well that was my current situation today.

I absolutely live and breathe heels ever since I was a little girl. Like the saying, “Heels are a girl’s best friend” is certainly true. However, once in a while it’s great to swap those fabulous heels for some comfy kicks.

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These comes in handy especially on a busy day.

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Swap the usual handbag for a cool and stylish belt bag.

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Camisoles are great on a hot day and so is a basic white T-shirt.


I also had a blazer handy for a more casual chic look and in case I get chilly at the office.



Everyday doesn’t have to be high heels and handbags. A nice pair of kicks are just perfect to wear on a busy day. Your feet will thank you for it.

Shop the look.

Sneakers (Kicks) / Belt Bag (similar here) / Camisole (other options here) / Jeans (similar here) / Blazer (similar here and here)

About The Author

Thank you so much for visiting The Fabulous. I’m Faby, a forty something year old fashion and style enthusiast who believes we were all born to be a Fabulous 1.

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