I had my eyes on the Le Boy bag by Chanel since Summer of 2012. I love and still admire my mini Chanel Classic flap bag. Although it’s soft to the touch, I have one con about this bag. The leather which is made in lambskin makes it a very fragile bag. If not careful, it can get scratched quite easily.
For years I’ve sported the Quilted Crossover bag by Bebe. It has an almost similar look to the Boy bag. Plus it was less expensive. However, I was determined to add the Le Boy bag to my handbag collection.
I really love the strips design that runs on the edges. The quilting effect in the middle gives it a classic look and the unique hardware finish gives it a bit of boldness. I got it in calfskin or also known as caviar leather which is more durable and doesn’t show scratches. In the United States, the boy (mini) is retailed between $4,200-$4,300. Prices varies in Europe and Asia.
Overall, I’m very happy with my purchase. In my opinion luxury handbags are great accessories to invest in.