Fashion & Style


   Statement shirts are a great way to sometimes express your feelings and thoughts without verbal communication.



   This shirt hits home for me. From my childhood years through my mid twenties, fear played a big role in my life. Fear of making mistakes, fear of disappointments, fear of rejection and other people’s opinion were all that I had to overcome. I believe a lot of times fear hinders us from pursuing our life’s purpose or living to our highest potential. What always worked for me, was motivational quotes or word, hard work and determination.



   In my opinion, statement shirts are never “out of style”. That’s why this shirt is my favorite and it’s also a reminder for me to keep pushing for my goals and dreams.




   I paired it with these super chic leatherette lace shorts and fashionable pointed toe heels. I also added a floppy hat to amp up the outfit, which gives it a street style chic look. Throw in my favorite Chanel bag and I’m ready to conquer the world fearlessly, while looking and feeling FABULOUS!




Shop the look ❤


Fear Less t-shirt (similar looks):


Leatherette shorts (similar looks):


Heels (similar looks):




About The Author

Thank you so much for visiting The Fabulous. I’m Faby, a forty something year old fashion and style enthusiast who believes we were all born to be a Fabulous 1.

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